Saturday, 7 March 2009

Evaluation/Reflection of the First Year

At the start of the year I think that I underestimated how much more this year demands. I think that I was too laid back at the start of the year and did not push myself or put enough effort in. I feel that due to this my first two marks from the poster project and the greeting cards reflected this.

At the start of the poster project I found that I kept changing my idea, which meant that when I had the final idea of an illiteracy awareness campaign and carried out some research I didn’t really have enough time to spend on the development stage. My feedback reflected this!

The second project was the greeting cards; at the start of this project it was still fresh in my mind that I need to settle on an idea fairly early on to allow for development.  I went with the theme of 2012 Olympics, alto at the start I was un aware of what occasion they could be for, so I decided to just design them as ‘blank cards’.  Towards the end of this unit in one of the crits it was brought to my attention that I could not use the existing logo of the rings and should think of other ways of implying Olympics without their logo. I didn’t really have the time to resign my cards to a high standard so I had to hand in something I was not happy with.

I felt that the final task of this unit, which was the animal packaging one, was by far my best. I was excited to learn about the process of designing packaging, as it was something I had previously not really thought about. I found it interesting learning about nets and how to place your design so it fits. My time management was spot on in this unit and this was a turning point. I found that I was not only meeting the deadlines the course set but my own. Due to this I had plenty of time in every stage in the project. I was also a lot more committed to this unit and the comments reflected this.

I feel that without the last unit incorporated to pull my mark up I would probably have failed or got a much lower mark. At the time when I received the feedback from this unit It was quite depressing and I was very de motivated. Although I had to take the positives, which were; the way I approached the last project (animal) was I should apply myself like that in the upcoming ones. Also that this would only be a small percentage of my overall final grade.

For the web unit I wanted to put my first two project behind me, and start where I left off with the animal one and approach it in the same way. I was very excited about this unit and learning the technical aspects of making you designs functional. During my Work placement at the end of last year I designed a few pages for a furniture company in photoshop at and I remember afterwards wanting to see what it would be like functioning. I found the researching side of this project very interesting, I enjoyed learning about web design and what makes a good website, and how the importance of a particular aspect can change depending on the purpose of the site. I was very motivated to produce a high standard website as it would be very important to me in the future.

I think that again I approached this unit in a very organized way and I was very pleased with my time management. I am still extremely happy with my final design I worked really hard on it. I was quite pleased with the mark I got for it although it only contributed 15% of my final mark.

I felt very positive about starting my professional project as I am confident that now I have developed much better time management skills which has meant that I have been a lot happier with my last outcomes. I feel that my portfolio has got a lot stronger this year and I have improved greatly as a designer.

This year I also attempted a ‘live brief’ as I wanted to see first hand what is involved when designing for a client. I designed a logo for ‘Tasty Marketing’. I found this very exciting as I was on a tight deadline while also having other work to complete. This defiantly helped me as a designer as in the industry it is very unlikely that I will get large amounts of time and I would also have more that one think on at once!

Another thing I wanted to achieve this year is to successfully enter a competition brief. For this I worked in a group with Ben, Rob and later joined by Chris. We started very well with this project; we had a strong concept of sexual innuendos to sell smoothies to 16-25 year olds. Although this unit started to drag on. Throughout this brief we had numerous visiting lectures which we felt we should use to our advantage, by getting as much advise as possible. I feel that although we were fortunate to have this help available we shouldn’t have let it change our minds so easily. At the start when we first had our idea of sexual innuendos Michael Ryan thought that this was a very strong concept and so did we and we were very excited to run with this; then we had another lecturer who was more illustration based as she felt that we should go down the road of bursting colours, liveliness like current campaigns so we started researching into this. We then started to run with this idea and developed initial ideas/ early posters to this. The we felt it was to main stream and just replicating what was already around, and we started looking into using photography – black and white images using colour to get the message across of the product and its appeal. In hindsight I wish we just stuck with our original idea and developed that more before getting more advice. We still plan to finish off our posters in the next couple of days and then submit them.

I think that the past year has pushed me as a designer and strengthened my portfolio massively. I have learned new skills such as what’s involved with designing packaging, and websites. I have broadened my understanding of website building software such as Dreamweaver and also how to build them in flash. I have found the website unit to be extremely stimulating and It is defiantly something I want to explore further. I plan to move to the 3rd year Graphic Design BA course next year to further my understanding of design and prepare me for a carrier in Graphic Design. I look forward to continuing with my professional project.



I have been ill over the past few days and I have now completed my updated curriculum vitae to include in my PPRD hand in. I have removed any unnecessary information such as past job history which is not relevant. After defining the content of the CV I started designing how it should look. I wanted it to reflect my 'identity' i gave myself in the website unit. I used the same font and my surname, along with the red lines to help stand out. I also used a more suited body text. I have a copy below.    

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Professional Project - development

This week I’ve been continuing the back ground research and I plan to have all the dates I will be including on my timeline by 09/03/09, so that I can then start on the designing of it and then on to the exhibition material.

I also got in contact with the Type Museum but I fund this very unhelpful I asked for any brochures/ leaflets/ info etc which they could send me, also I asked if they could let me know when it re opens as it’s only temporarily shut.


Dear Alistair

Regretably we have no listing of what is held at the Type Museum. It has 3 major collections:-

Monotype matrix making machinery (still used) for production of small and large composition

of all the hot metal typefaces Monotype ever cut.

Hand made punches made over the last 200/300 years by Stephenson Blake together with matrices.

Wood letter cutting pantograph and all patterns made by De Little, the last producer of wood letter.


Duncan Avery

I then replied asking again for when they expect to open to the public?....I am still awaiting a reply.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Tasty Marketing - Presentation

Today after the portfolio lecture I had the presentation of my logo’s to ‘Tasty Marketing’. As the Managing Director only had about half an hour for the presentations and as there were only three of us presenting we decided to all go in together.


I was surprised at how laid back it was, as I had never done this before I was unsure of what to expect beforehand and this was a very informal meeting. We took it in turns to present our work and it was more of a discussion what elements worked etc.


I was very pleased with the feedback mine got, as it was very positive:


-       Liked the overall concept of joining the two middle letters as they could be pushed and used as bullet points etc.

-       She was very happy with the logo I did which had a ‘bite’ taken out of it – said it was something that her team didn’t think about.


After the presentation she took our work away and said her next steps were to go back to her own design team and present what we had shown to her. As she liked elements of everyone’s ideas and wants to combine them, rather than just picking one.


I found this very helpful as I received very positive feed back and as it was my first meeting with a client, my first attempt of logo design and being restricted by a brief for a client I felt that I had gained a lot of things from one short brief. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Live Brief Development - Tasty Marketing


Over the past few days I have been working on the ‘Tasty Marketing’ brief and I have organized to attend the presentation to the director of ‘Tasty Marketing and Matt Desmier. I am very pleased with the logos I have got together (above), as this was my first attempt of creating an identity through a logo.


It is something that I have enjoyed designing and I have also enjoyed the restraints of a brief, which has already been laid out. I have only designed the logos as I would rather present one strong piece, than a couple of alright bits of work. 


I stared of by exploring fun friendly typefaces, although I found that they started looking a bit childish and unprofessional – although they want the appearance of being a fun, marketing team the logo should also show that they are serious as well.


After this I went with an easy to read typeface and created a fun/ friendly logo by adapting the overall look. I am very happy with the progression of these logos and I am looking forward to present the best logos tomorrow and also getting some feedback. 

Portfolio Lecture

To day I came in to go to a lecture from the ex-creative director from marketing matters based around portfolios. Luckily I got there nice and early because it was so popular that they had to turn students awa!y This talk was extremely helpful and demonstrated: what to include in my portfolio, how best to present myself and how to get a interview etc. These are some key pointers I took:

5 main rules for a good portfolio:

1)   Only include work that you are 100% happy with – even if it means taking less work!

2)   Don’t show anyone else’s work but your own.  – Group work is fine but make sure you tell the interviewer that you did it in a group.

3)   Memorize at least two things about each peace of work.

4)   Include about 8-10 peaces of work – (don’t struggle to make 8 if your not 100% happy don’t include it)

5)   Demonstrate thinking and show your development to the final solution.


Another thing about the portfolio: start with your favourite work, then the work that is alright put in the middle and finish with your best.


Remember your not the finished article so don’t try be someone your not.

Research into the company Find out who there top clients are, ask questions to show that you know a bit about the business already.

Criticism – learn how to ‘take it’ its not personal! Try find out what they don’t like and why.

Be aware that you are young, eager to learn. directors also like that you are cheap.

Turn up early.

Have a good attitude – show you are interested in design

Show your hungry for the job.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Learning support - Essay

I booked another session quite early in this unit just to go over the best ways to structure my essay and get it stared. I found this quite reassuring, we also went over some software which can help my with structuring the essay.

After this we started making targets and break down where to go next. I now have a list of things to do and this has helped me with my time management in the past so I will do the same for my professional project and lay out when I should work on Anna’s and when I should work on my professional project.  

Friday, 20 February 2009

Screen Based Communication 2 Results

Today I received my results for screen-based communication project, I got 56. I was very pleased that I had received over 50 as this means that I am starting to get back on track. 


I found the feedback I received to be very helpful and the only negative thing on there was that the image size was a bit small. I wanted to create an easy to navigate site, which reflected me as a designer, and I felt that I met the goals I set my self. I felt that I worked a lot better throughout this brief and my time management was spot on.


I am still however a bit concerned that due to my first results I would probably still only be averaging fewer than 50. I am reassured that the main grade that contributes to my final mark would be taken from my professional project. I therefore need to make sure I approach this unit in the same way I did for the screen based one. I will however apply myself as much as possibly to professional project as will need to bring my overall average up in order to progress onto the second year. I would be extremely disappointed if I end this year with fewer than 50! I will therefore really push myself on the professional project and also on Anna’s essay in order to insure I will get onto the BA Graphics.

Hand in - Learning Agreement

Today I was the hand in for my learning agreement for my professional project, I was pleased to know that if we need to go back and add to it later we can. I feel that after I have carried out a bit more research I will be able to add more to the synopsis of study. Bellow is my current synopsis of study:

Synopsis of Study

For my professional project I will be designing a typographic display for an exhibition that demonstrates the major historical development within the typographical industry starting from the1880’s. This should clearly show the progression and the evolution of typography. I will be concentrating on European and American contributions to typography development. I will also design the print based information and promotional material available at the exhibition. This would include: tickets, banners, brochures/booklets, etc. I felt that this would be a good project as there are currently no typography design exhibitions in London and no permanent places which focus on typography other than the Type museum which, from what I can gather from their, website has more of a museum approach than a gallery approach (which would be where my exhibition would be based). The reason for adopting a gallery approach is because it is likely to appeal more than a museum approach would, to the designers (due to the other content that would be in the exhibition) who are the main target audience.

I will produce a timeline for a wall display that informs the viewer and graphically demonstrates an understanding of the development through typography from the 1880s. This will be on show at a typography exhibition. I will show my research and development through a series of sketchbooks. The promotional material will obviously have to reflect the exhibition, which will be aimed at students/ designers who have an interest in typography and would therefore be in the gallery and could find out more about the basic historical development. However, the main purpose of the exhibition will be educational rather than a more commercial approach.


I will achieve this by carrying out research into the evolution of typography paying particular attention to major events/technology’s/designers; starting from the pantographic punch cutter (1884). I will try getting some information from the ‘Type Museum’, London, although it is currently closed for public access. From a recent visit to the Tate modern (London), I have since been looking a similar outcome, which is a time line reflecting the major ‘Fine art’ developments, designed by Sara Fanelli.

This will give me the opportunity to expand my typography knowledge, and allow me to approach and present the final designs in an informative manner. This will come together to strengthen my portfolio within a discipline I am very interested in, which will undoubtedly help me get onto future courses and a job within the industry.

Live Brief - Tasty Marketing

After I had handed in my learning agreement I had an opportunity to start a live brief for the rest of the day. I was thinking about attempting this ‘Tasty Marketing’ brief a while ago but never got round to it. Although the deadline is a few days away I think that it would be good practice for me to attempt this small brief (in the industry I will not have the luxury of a long deadline).


The brief is quite poorly written, but it’s basically asking for a logo and possible ways of incorporating the new style e.g letterheads etc. It also said that we can do as much or as little as I wanted, due to the tight deadline I would rather present a few variations of logos, which I am happy with, than including letterheads or web designs to a poorer standard.


This brief would be another piece I could include in my portfolio, which would demonstrate creating a logo design on a tight deadline, for a client.  


Tasty Marketing wants to get across their fun/ friendly and personalized way of dealing with their own clients.


So today I started drawing up ideas and possible ways of reflecting their fun/ friendly/personalized style. 

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Learning support - learning agreement

Today I had my session with learning support, it was the first time I had been before and I found it extremely helpful. I met with Brian Long and he helped me go over what I had already got and also adjust the structure so that it read better. After this session I had fulfilled the word count requirement, but I think that I will be able to add more to the synopsis of study once I have continued with the research.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Learning Agreement - development

Over the past few days I have been trying to finalize my learning agreement for my professional project. I am happy with how it is going although I think that I will book an appointment with learning support to go over my synopsis of study. I have started it but I am finding it hard to meet the word count requirement.

Aims of appointment:

-       Clarity and structure.

-       Other areas I should include in order to be more specific of what I wish to gain from this unit.

-       Make sure what I've got is ok. 

Monday, 16 February 2009

London Trip

Today was the rescheduled London Trip; my original plan was to use this trip to help with inspiration for me to decide on what I will do for my professional project. Due to the trip being rescheduled and I now have an idea of what it is I am doing. I therefore started planning how I will use the trip to benefit and progress my project.

After some research into what was on and where I went back onto the ‘Type Museum’s website where I found something I had previously overlooked: ITS CURRENTLY CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC! I was so frustrated when I found this out as the museum would have been a huge help to my project. Therefore I used the trip as research into Exhibitions. My main goal was to go to as many places as possible and collect primary research on exhibition in the form of Photos of the exhibition (where possible) and how they publicize it, booklets, flyers, banners etc. I started off at the Tate Britain then the Design Museum, Tate Modern, LCC – basically to as many places as possible!

While looking around at the Tate Modern I spent some time looking at something, which I normally pass by – Sara Fanelli’s timeline of twentieth century art. – This was something I hadn’t planed on researching although it will be a massive help I want to achieve something similar to go into the exhibition I am designing the material for.

Another helpful thing that the Tate had was a really interesting exhibition – Rodchenko & Popova. It cost about £12 but I received a larger booklet with this – it showed me that I shouldn’t restrict myself to designing cheaper things, which would be given away.

I found this trip a lot more beneficial than I thought I would be (after finding out that the Type Museum was shut). I will later email the Museum to find out when it will open and also if they could send my any info. 

Professional Project - development

Over the past few days I have been trying to develop a decent idea to undertake for my professional project. I went back over the work I did with Dan, which was to help come up with an idea. I have now come to the conclusion that I want to use Typography quite heavily and also I want to expand my typographical knowledge.


One of the ways I could do this would be to design the material for a Typographical exhibition in a gallery. This would also allow me to undertake another discipline, which I thoroughly enjoyed on the course, which was the logo and identity work for the live brief.


I will now go onto researching into other exhibitions surrounding typography, and then onto other areas of relevance before the presentation on Thursday.  

Research Seminar

This session was on advanced research methods. Some of the session was just on recapping on how we start researching: listing key words then taking them onto the computer/ library database. I found the stuff about the databases available in the library as I was previously un aware of this. After the session I started to apply some of these methods and got a list of books to get out when they have been returned.  

Friday, 13 February 2009


We started to day off by splitting into seminar groups, I was very pleased with how we were split up, as the groups were categorised so the people in them had something in common. We just went over our idea briefly and showed what research we had already carried out and what we should do next.

I found this seminar very helpful as it brought something quite fundamental to my project up:

If I base my exhibition around other designers work or a specific style, then the promotional work would have to reflect this and it could end up with me just replicating other peoples approach to design.  One way around this that I thought could be more interesting was to create something to be in the exhibition and then design the promotional work around that.  

Approaching this project in that way: basing it more around the development of typography and creating something like a clearly designed timeline would allow me to do more research and then present the information in my own style!

For the rest of the day I continued collecting researching/ reading.  

Thursday, 12 February 2009


Today we had to present our idea for the project. I had made a small slide show (mainly to remind me of what to include) as we were restricted to one minute.  This started off well but after the first few the presentations started to get longer! In the end we spent almost the whole day on them, although this was quite frustrating, as I had planed to carry on researching my idea I was aware that it was probably more beneficial to each person as they were getting more advise and feedback.


The feedback I received was quite helpful and reassuring – the main pointers were:

Could the exhibition be a permanent one? – as there are currently not any in London.

Possibly base this more around the historical side of type development – look at informative graphics.

Try get to as many exhibitions In London next week.


As I had about half an hour left before the end of the day I decided to research into the places I could go around London to make the day as beneficial as possible for me.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Introduction -Contemporary Visual Context

Today was the first seminar with Anna, we were given the brief and then spoke about our initial ideas for an essay. My first thoughts are to base mine around the affects the digital revolution had on typography. Anna seemed to think that this would be a good easy to do it on; she did mention that one of the markers has a very high degree on typography!

I am going to try develop this into a working title and carry out some basic research and then next week we will have the advanced research skills session to help research into my chosen area.  

Friday, 6 February 2009

Friday 06.02.09

Ahhh today was quite frustrating. My aim was to get a solid idea under way and take advantage of the tutors in…. after a very helpful presentation from Mike Ryan- showed us how his students started off this last year. One of them was very helpful as yesterday I briefly spoke to Mike Ryan about another idea which was to design stuff for a typography exhibition, and one of the presentations he showed was for a graphic design exhibition. Not long after he had finished the university was closed due to a sudden downpour of snow! But having seen the presentations I was confident that this would be a good idea to pursue. I think that I should narrow the typography exhibition down so it is not quite so broad.

I will there for  spend the next few days researching into possible ‘categories’ of type I could base the exhibition around. 

Friday, 30 January 2009

Friday 30.01.09

I found today very helpful as an ideas generation.. Dan had this presentation and exercise which I found helped clarify how to go about starting this unit, and what I want to achieve. It started off by writing down what I want to do after this unit, what I want to do in the future, what category do I like/ done well in, in the past. This defiantly helped me to narrow my search.


- website?

- publications?

I am also thinking about a rebrand as there will be a large amount of outcomes I could produce to expand my portfolio with. Although it will have to be something I am interested in as this will last for 3 weeks.

I will now expand on what happened today, might think about the approach a bit more, at the moment I would be more interested in a typographic approach.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Professional project!!

Its here! I am quite nervous about starting this unit as it will result in a large proportion on my overall grade. I am however excited about carrying out the work over the next few weeks.

- I first need to come up with an idea which will sustain me over the next 12 weeks. Although this is quite daunting I have around 3 weeks to come up with my final learning proposal. I am not to sure how to go about starting this unit is it is critical that I start with a solid idea. Anyway I’ll think about this tonight and start ideas generation tomorrow. 

Friday, 23 January 2009

Hand in - Screen Based Communication 2 - Evaluation

I found this unit really exciting as I was learning how to create a website and I had never made one before. I designed a few pages for a furniture company in photoshop when I was on my work placement last year, and at the time I really wanted to see it function. I was also excited about create my own online portfolio as this could to help promote myself in the industry. I felt that I was a lot more motivated on this unit and I was putting in a lot more effort and I hope that my mark reflects that I have tried to push myself a lot more and I think that my website reflects this.


I am extremely happy with how my final website looked. I feel that I have worked really hard on this project and I think that my work reflects this (hopefully my mark will to), portrays me well as a graphic designer.


The main things I wanted my website to portray were: easy to navigate round – user friendly.


Also I did not want my final website design to overpower my work as the point of it is to show off my work. I think that I achieved this through using a neutral background colour, Type that complements the design. I was happy that I included animation in the website as I think it made the pages more interesting for the viewer, I did however not want to over use animation as this would only frustrate the browser, I think used a nice amount. 


Right now I cant see any improvements I would make to it, this it probably due to my time management as I made sure I was not rushing any stage of this unit. I left pleasant of time to make sure I am very happy and I am very proud of my website and think it’s to a high standard.


Monday, 19 January 2009

Possibly Live Brief Reply

Hi Alistair
I am not sure if your going to be able to assist with the web projects I
need done as our website is asp. However I also need someone to loop a DVD
for me urgently to be completed on Monday, tomorrow, as I am off to a trade
show on the Tues with the film. Are you able to assist with this or have
any contacts that may be able to help?

This was ok as I probably would not be able to meet the turn around on it as I would need to do some online tutorials etc as I haven’t used. asp before.

I was quite surprised that she was asking for me to loop a dvd as it can be done in idvd or pretty much any burning software, as she needed it for the next day I responded letting he know that I was more than capable of doing that although I wouldn’t include it as a live brief!:

“Yeh Im not that familiar with asp. although looping the film is defiantly something I could help you with. I’ve done it before and it is fairly straight forward, ill be available to do it tomorrow if you still need someone to do it, please let me know.”   

I was not surprised when she didn’t get back to me, she probably found out how easy it was

Friday, 16 January 2009

Possible Live Brief - Technical Sport Product


I want to try carryout a ‘live brief’ before I start my professional project as I think that this will be a extremely important and busy time; I want to spend as much time as possible on that unit as I will also have Anna’s essay at that time as well.


While I was searching for a part time job on the internet I came across an advert for a company that needed a designer to edit some of there existing website and also to upload some video. The advert said that it is in ‘CMS’, this required me to carry out some research. I found that its more common with users with little/no knowledge of programming languages to create/manage content, Its primarily a site maintenance. I felt that with online tutorials and after a discussion with kitt and also briefly with Neil I could attempt this however I felt that it was important to be honest when I contact them and I got in touch:


“I am a student currently studying graphic design in Bournemouth, I have got an ‘abc’ qualification in Dreamweaver (website software using HTML) and have recently created another website in flash (website software using CSS) and I would love the opportunity to further my professional practice and expand my portfolio within web design. I am confident that I have the skills to create what you are looking for and would enjoy the experience.”


Final Critique

Today we had our final critique, I was looking forward to this as my website has come along way since the last critique, and I have change quite a few small things (but important). Also my website is now fully functional with animation and I have also started my gallery (doesn’t direct the viewer away from my page like lightbox does).

This is the main feedback from the crit:

-Much nicer and its developed a lot since the last crit.

-As the thumbnails (buttons) in my gallery are all landscape; try lining them along the bottom of the page.

-Contact page: don’t really need to state ‘Address, email’ etc as its quite obvious what they are.

I found that this crit has helped me to improve some of the visual elements, I found the comment on about moving the thumbnail practically helpful.  

Monday, 12 January 2009

Competition Brief Tutorial with Cattel

Today Ben, Rob, Chris (recently joined our group) and I had a tutorial with Catel and we showed her the work we had done which was mainly ideas and a couple of different concepts. She liked our ideas but recommended that we start visualizing them.


She preferred another idea of ours which was using splashing colour, collages of images people in the age range enjoy doing; this bursting with movement/ liveliness.


Our next stage is to think about things that we like doing (active) and other students enjoy, and look at incorporating them in our designs. 

Friday, 9 January 2009

Critique - Presentation of Ideas


Over the Christmas holidays I refined the drawings/ layouts and I have drawn them up to scale on screen to give me a better visual idea of what they will look like how the site will function etc.

Also I have decided on what software I will use, id been favoring flash but a few things made up my mind… I’m using a non ‘website’ font which I don’t want to comprise and also as my website is quite simple I was thinking about incorporating some light animation.

Yesterday I copied my homepage designs into Flash, and then I was working on developing a few animation ideas I had; I wanted to get some on screen so that I would be able to get some helpful feedback in today’s crit.

Today we had our critique - Presentation of ideas. This crit was very helpful. Feedback:

-Linking to a blog could deter a browser/ potential client as it could show negatives!

-The gallery should be the first link as it’s the most important section on a portfolio page.


-Wording ‘Portfolio’ sounds better than ‘gallery’.

-Liked the idea of the animation I showed, it would bring more to the site.

-Home button looks a bit condensed.

-Enlarge buttons slightly.

I found this crit to be extremely helpful as it gave me reassurance with the main style as people felt that was good. It also brought up a few little sections on the site to change. I also found it helpful to project it onto a big screen thought he projector as the kerning/leading became more obvious. 

Monday, 5 January 2009

Guest - Cattel

Today I had a guest lecture come in and talk to us about her work and, working in the professional environment. Although she is an illustrator and I plan to go into a graphic design I still found her presentation very helpful, These are some of the key points I noted from her slides: 


How to set up an illustration business (although the same sort of rule apply for graphic design.)


1. Define your market

2. Research potential clients

3. Address the right person

4. Self promotion


When sending work to art directors make sure the images are larger than A4 make your work original. Include feedback sheet when you sent your work, make it quite quick/ easy to fill out.




-Once commissioned create a contract between you and the client clearly stating: an agreed fee and copyright


-Pricing: Don’t have a set hourly fee, ask clients how big there budget is first or how often the peace will be used …..make sure you set a agreed deadline to get paid e.g. within 30 days.