Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Portfolio Lecture

To day I came in to go to a lecture from the ex-creative director from marketing matters based around portfolios. Luckily I got there nice and early because it was so popular that they had to turn students awa!y This talk was extremely helpful and demonstrated: what to include in my portfolio, how best to present myself and how to get a interview etc. These are some key pointers I took:

5 main rules for a good portfolio:

1)   Only include work that you are 100% happy with – even if it means taking less work!

2)   Don’t show anyone else’s work but your own.  – Group work is fine but make sure you tell the interviewer that you did it in a group.

3)   Memorize at least two things about each peace of work.

4)   Include about 8-10 peaces of work – (don’t struggle to make 8 if your not 100% happy don’t include it)

5)   Demonstrate thinking and show your development to the final solution.


Another thing about the portfolio: start with your favourite work, then the work that is alright put in the middle and finish with your best.


Remember your not the finished article so don’t try be someone your not.

Research into the company Find out who there top clients are, ask questions to show that you know a bit about the business already.

Criticism – learn how to ‘take it’ its not personal! Try find out what they don’t like and why.

Be aware that you are young, eager to learn. directors also like that you are cheap.

Turn up early.

Have a good attitude – show you are interested in design

Show your hungry for the job.

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