Friday 13 February 2009


We started to day off by splitting into seminar groups, I was very pleased with how we were split up, as the groups were categorised so the people in them had something in common. We just went over our idea briefly and showed what research we had already carried out and what we should do next.

I found this seminar very helpful as it brought something quite fundamental to my project up:

If I base my exhibition around other designers work or a specific style, then the promotional work would have to reflect this and it could end up with me just replicating other peoples approach to design.  One way around this that I thought could be more interesting was to create something to be in the exhibition and then design the promotional work around that.  

Approaching this project in that way: basing it more around the development of typography and creating something like a clearly designed timeline would allow me to do more research and then present the information in my own style!

For the rest of the day I continued collecting researching/ reading.  

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