Friday 10 October 2008

10th October-Greeting Cards

Today we were briefed on a new project – Greeting Cards. It quite existed as we had a guest lecturer to brief us (Clare) and also showed us her work that was very helpful because she designs greeting cards and could share her development process with us. Clare’s work was mainly illustrative but also had a large amount of media included.  After her talk I found it quite hard to settle on a theme because after looking through her work I want to do something which will allow me to involve freehand illustration and I also would like to include some sort of media as I haven’t done anything like that for a while. In the second half of the day I was able to talk to Clare about my ideas and that I was finding it hard to come up with a concept that will allow me to include what I wanted to do. Her advice was to take my time and look through a large amount of illustrations, texture, patterns etc or anything that I can get inspiration from, she also suggested looking through a card shop and recommended one in the centre of town called ‘Scribbler’ as they had a large number of cards which push many boundaries about what is acceptable.  After gathering some materials and research for inspiration I decided to go to the card shop she suggested. I was very surprised with the range of cards Scribbler had from Childs cards to adult ones and some which were very shocking, but it showed how there really aren’t any boundaries to this project as long as it’s a greeting card that meets the brief.

Although I don’t have a idea yet of what I want to do I don’t mind yet as I will go through all the inspiration I collected today and I don’t think that it will be hard to get motivated for this project as I cant wait to get settled on a idea so I can get on with this project. 

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